Six Sigma (Green Belt) Certification
Unique Training with Vision Integrity & Commitment to Serve the World
Six Sigma (Green Belt) Certification

Of all the tools and techniques used by the companies today to grasp more and more market and thus increase their revenues, Quality Management has become one of the most important tool used in various sectors. For Banking Sector it is “Service”, for Hospitality Sector it is “Customer Satisfaction” and for IT or Consumer Durables sector it is “Quality of Product”. Quality management in simple terms is a business principle that ensures excellence in a company's products, services and internal processes. Companies that implement quality management programs use the information from them to identify weaknesses, faults, areas for improvement and strengths. This gives the company the ability to set standards, make adjustments as needed and to offer greater value overall to their customer base. We at PIBM have also in fact applied the same principle of Quality Management in training process of students in order to develop their skills and make them more employable. We have included a course on Quality Management within the curriculum for students which makes them understand the Quality Management techniques and Process Improvement as a strategic and organization wide concept. Along with this course students are certified with Six Sigma - Green Belt accreditation. Six Sigma certification course includes overview of Six Sigma Methodology, Balance Business Score Card Identification, Prioritization and selection of improvement opportunities in various functions.