Innovation & Incubation Center
Unique Training with Vision Integrity & Commitment to Serve the World
Innovation & Incubation Center
To develop the entrepreneurial mind, PIBM has created Innovation Incubation Centre where the focus is on the research study of different aspects of industry. Purpose of this Centre is to engage faculty, students and institutional resources in research based projects which are of direct application for the industry.
PIBM's innovation incubation center is a platform for supporting and executing several projects that have developed and are developing industry specific solutions and strategic insights, for private organizations as well as government bodies. The research work which is done and compiled by the faculty and the students of PIBM, which eventually helps students to know the requirements in the industry.
PIBM's innovation incubation center is a platform for supporting and executing several projects that have developed and are developing industry specific solutions and strategic insights, for private organizations as well as government bodies. The research work which is done and compiled by the faculty and the students of PIBM, which eventually helps students to know the requirements in the industry.
To develop Research & Analytical Skills, students undergoes unique pedagogy, SOPs and various important documentation. Some of the recent research projects are:
Automation of recruitment and selection: This research practices on identifying the online tools which can be used for streamlining the recruitment process in this era |
Research on the issues of urban areas Study about the urban areas, its infrastructure, people management and waste management which will in turn help the industry in long run |
PIBM concentrates on different areas of research in management field and publish it in regards of manuals. This helps students to explore their horizon in the particular domain, get exposure about the trend in current era, helps in further research and all-round development of students.
Some of these are:
Training and Development Manuals |
Recruitment Manuals |
Sales and Distribution Manuals |
Retail Management Manuals |

Membership Criteria
The selection of entrepreneurs for membership in PEC will be based on the recommendation of an expert committee specifically set up for the purpose. The criteria for acceptance are the following:
- The business activity proposed is in the advanced technology area. The company must meet the definition of a "technology-based company" (An organization which pursues commercial applications of science/technology-based innovations; employs a high percentage of technicians, engineers or scientists; or requires extensive R&D to produce new products or services).
- The venture proposed is a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship.
- Demonstrate a need for incubator services.
- Demonstrate capability for business viability and growth.
- The business plan submitted by the entrepreneur is sound.
- In the absence of a proper business plan, the request for membership will be accepted provisionally if business proposal looks promising prima-facie to the expert committee.
- The entrepreneur will submit a proper business plan to Panelist, which will be reviewed by the expert committee before final acceptance.
- The business proposed should have significant technology content / employment potential / revenue generation potential / export earning potential.
- The entrepreneurs may or may not have a track record in undertaking entrepreneurial ventures.
- A first time entrepreneur should have the requisite aptitude in promoting the venture. The expert committee will assess this through personal interview, review of past activities, background check, references etc.
Selection Process
The selection of entrepreneurs for membership in PEC will be based on the recommendation of an expert committee specifically set up for the purpose. The criteria for acceptance are the following:
- Determination of eligibility by penal based on preliminary application.
- Investor and the entrepreneur will sign a mutual nondisclosure agreement (NDA)
- Submission of complete application package:
- Copy of the entrepreneur’s business plan
- Entrepreneur's tax returns for prior three years if applicable.
- Details of company's corporate structure, bylaws, ownership, etc.
- Investor sets up an expert committee to evaluate the application.
- The expert committee reviews the application based on but not limited to the following criteria:
- Merit of the business proposal
- Background and experience of the entrepreneur
- Financial viability
- Status of the business plan, market research and feasibility studies
- Growth potential
- Applicant’s commitment-both financial and personal time-to the venture
- Business references
- Make up of the management team
- To what extent is the entrepreneur developing technology, or using technology for a unique business purpose?
- How effectively does the entrepreneur demonstrate an understanding of the environment facing the venture in its target markets, and a reasonable strategy to achieve stability and growth?
- How clear is the entrepreneur's need for the types of services that the incubator offers?
- Is the venture product or service-based? Product-based ventures, by their nature, have a greater potential for significant economic impact, but innovative service businesses will also be considered for the program.
- Market knowledge and experience (market definition, markets serviced, competition, SWOT analysis etc.)
- The entrepreneur gives a presentation of the business plan to the expert committee and clarifies all the questions.
- Due diligence by the expert committee (including background and credit check of entrepreneur)
- Decision by expert committee.
- if the company is found to be

Post Admission Process
Once the decision is made to admit the entrepreneur to the incubation programme of TBI, the following activities are undertaken:
License agreement is executed between Investor and the entrepreneur.
Jointly set short-term objectives for the venture’s performance.
Develop a written plan of work for the venture.
Set up the venture's financial management and budgeting systems.
Identify mentors, consultants, service providers or resource centres to assist the entrepreneur in achieving his goals.
PEC will review the formal performance of each company. The expert committee gauges the progress of the company against its objectives. The expert committee also evaluates the quality and impact of the business assistance provided by Technical Team. Any further assistance in the form of mentors, consultants, service providers or resource centers required by the entrepreneur is identified during this review.

Duration of Incubation Program
The duration of license to operate in the incubator program shall be for a term of 6 months namely ‘Pre-Incubation’. An extension of one more term of 1 year shall be considered on a case-by-case basis based on the recommendation of the expert committee. These entrepreneurs shall move out of incubator at the end of the license period whether they have graduated* or not.
The entrepreneur has to submit a formal application to the expert committee highlighting all factors responsible for the delays in the plan. The application should show the strategies adopted by the venture in overcoming the problems faced by the company.
The venture shall graduate from the incubation program when any one of the following conditions is fulfilled.
- The revenue stream of the company is adequate for self-sustenance.
- The entrepreneurs have been able to tie up investors to finance the expansion plans of the venture and the incubator support is no longer necessary.
- The entrepreneurs have sold the venture to a larger company.
- Expiry of the period specified in the license agreement.
If any of the above events takes place the venture will be treated as graduated from incubation program and the membership in the incubator will be discontinued.