CEO Charisma Series - 1
Corporate Events - Learn from 550+ Business Leaders
CEO Charisma - The Giant Step Series 1
Date: 5th August 2017
Venue: Pune Institute of Business Management [PIBM]
Venue: Ambrosia Resort & Spa, Pune
One of the most exciting events of the year, CEO CHARISMA - 2017 was organized by PIBM on 5th August 2017 for the first time in Pune. The CEOs from some of the top MNCs enlightened PIBM students with the future aspects and challenges, which they are to be faced as upcoming Managers and Entrepreneurs.
The topics discussed were on:
How to turn around a company |
L – Learning from the past |
A – Acting on the present |
P – Predicting the future |
CEO Innovators – What’s on their mind |
C – Challenges |
A – Action |
P – Performance |

For more details:
- Facebook:
- YouTube:
- Panel 1 - Youtube Video
- Panel 2 - Youtube Video
Panel 1 was graced by the following Corporate Leaders:

Voith Industries Services

Reliance Market

Aspire Home Finance Corporation Ltd.

Managing Director
UM Lohia Two Wheelers Pvt. Ltd.

CEO, Co-Founder & Director

Vice President
SMERA Ratings Limited

Senior Director
Panel 1 was graced by the following Corporate Leaders:

Shriram Housing Finance

UNO Minda

Chief Executive Officer
SBI Cards & Payments Services Pvt. Ltd.

Business Head & CEO
Vodafone India

Director & CEO
Atom Technologies

Business Head
The panelists discussed how to turn around a company by learning from the past, acting on the present, and predicting the future. They also mentioned that employees including the CEO are the innovators and creators of the company as no company can move forward without innovations. Keeping in mind the challenges and consequences, businesses should take action and measure performances